Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Homeschool Curriculum

Early in 2010, I changed Hannah's curriculum and homeschool process. The curriculum is Switched on Schoolhouse from Alpha Omega Publications. The process is through a new Gateway Touchscreen Computer.

Because of Hannah's birth date, she would be finishing 2nd grade in public school, but she started 3rd grade a few months ago with the new computer and curriculum. The subjects in the program include: language arts, math, science, history/geography, Bible. 

While math remains her least favorite subject, she is making progress in that as well. In the other subjects, she is learning and comprehending and blossoming at an astounding rate. It amazes me as she explains farming processes or draws a map of Mexico - complete with legend and symbols for roads, mountains, rivers, and so forth. 

My daughter still has a severe mixed expressive/receptive language disorder - which is most apparent in the art of conversation - but her development and abilities are simply wondrous for me as I think about where she was 2 years or even 1 year ago. 

All is well.


An Amazing Thank-You

(reposted from my OneMom blog)
Several weeks ago, a friend of ours stopped by our house and delivered a much delayed Christmas present to Hannah. Last night Hannah came downstairs from her school room and brought me a piece of paper. She had been at her desk writing a thank-you note for the gift she received. An 8-year old writing an unprompted thank-you note is probably amazing enough, but for this mom, this note brought me joy for so many reasons. Here's the note:

Those who have been reading this blog for awhile, know that my daughter was diagnosed with a severe mixed expressive/receptive language disorder shortly before the age of 3. In layman's terms, this means that she has challenges both in spoken language and in comprehending language. I have worked intently with her language since she was 18 months old, and she was evaluated by the best practitioner in the country. Much of our first two years of homeschooling centered almost exclusively on language, especially in the comprehension challenges.

Dr. Camarata told us when we took Hannah to see him in 2004 that her disorder was severe, but not insurmountable. He also said that it would likely be about 5th grade before she reached a point where most people would not notice her language difficulties. That timeline appears to be right on target.

So, back to the thank-you note. I hope you clicked on the image and were able to read the note. Yes, the penmanship isn't perfect, and the sentences may seem simplistic to some, but to me this note shows me the following about Hannah:

o She has a firm grasp on the need to acknowledge the kindness of others.
o She took initiative to express her gratitude for a gift.
o She was able to say more than "thanks" - she was specific and thoughtful in her note.
o Her words were appropriate and relevant, and expressed them on paper so beautifully.
o Her words display a complex level of comprehension, and that amazing progress is being made.
* This mom is very proud and also very encouraged with this wonderful reassurance that all the time and work and prayer is truly carrying Hannah along the path she needs to grow and develop to the fullest.

Thank-You God!


Long Overdue Update!

Last August (2009), my family made a 900 mile move, I went back to work full time (which is why we moved), and my husband became the stay-at-home parent. Not my dream situation, but in this economy, I had a much greater earning potential and at least found a job making enough to allow my husband to remain home with Hannah and continue her homeschooling. I was even able to purchase a home in December - it is a great house - and we are starting to feel more settled.

Two more posts with language and homeschool updates will follow this post shortly.
